
Tooth Eruption

Offered by Eagle Mountain Children's Dentistry
Dental Services
When young children get their first teeth, the teeth rise above the gumline until all have erupted. This is a natural process that progresses similarly with most children, though each child is unique and their teeth may erupt at their rate and...

Space Maintainers

Offered by Eagle Mountain Children's Dentistry
Dental Services
If your child loses one baby's tooth before the permanent tooth is ready to erupt, our dentists, Dr. Adam Bushell or Dr. Erik Rooklidge may recommend the use of a space maintainer. A space maintainer is a small metal appliance that keeps the...

Tooth-Colored Dental Fillings

Offered by Eagle Mountain Children's Dentistry
Dental Services
For small cavities, fractures, or chips, our dentists, Dr. Adam Bushell and Dr. Erik Rooklidge will probably recommend a filling. Drs. Bushell and Rooklidge usually use composite fillings, which have a natural-looking toothlike appearance, to...

Dental Crowns

Offered by Eagle Mountain Children's Dentistry
Dental Services
If your child’s tooth is significantly damaged or decayed, our dentists may suggest the use of a dental crown to restore the tooth’s appearance and function. If the tooth’s overall structure or protection from infection and decay is...

Laser Dentistry

Offered by Eagle Mountain Children's Dentistry
Dental Services
Laser Dentistry For Children in Eagle Mountain, UT Give Your Child Pain-Free Dental Fillings If your child has a painful toothache due to a cavity, Eagle Mountain Children’s Dentistry can give them relief with one of our dental...

Dental Sealants

Offered by Eagle Mountain Children's Dentistry
Dental Services
Our dentists, Dr. Adam Bushell or Dr. Erik Rooklidge, may recommend a dental sealant for your child. By coating the chewing areas of your child’s teeth with this natural-looking resin, it will protect against bacteria and bits of food finding...

Dental Sedation

Offered by Eagle Mountain Children's Dentistry
Dental Services
Anxious Children Benefit From Dental Sedation If your child feels anxious or distressed when visiting the dentist, give Eagle Mountain Children’s Dentistry a call and ask about our sedation options. Our office provides child-safe dental...

Advanced Technology

Offered by Eagle Mountain Children's Dentistry
Dental Services
To give your child the most comprehensive dental care possible, the team at Eagle Mountain Children’s Dentistry is constantly improving and updating our dental tools. Our dentists, Dr. Adam Bushell and Dr. Erik Rooklidge use the latest...

Pediatric Dentistry

Offered by Eagle Mountain Children's Dentistry
Dental Services
Our dentists, Dr. Adam Bushell and Dr. Erik Rooklidge want to make sure that your child’s oral health needs are met in a manner that is fun, engaging, and gentle enough for a child’s unique needs but also effective and authoritative enough to...

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